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This PSA was one of five we did for the YOU Campaign, a multi-pronged approach to HIV-AIDS executed across Africa with a tagline It Begins With You. This was the only time 54 Broadcasters in the continent came together on a common cause and gave ample airtime, broadcasting the range of offerings that we created over a three-year period.


This PSA always leaves a very warm uplifted smile on my face, and I know many others who also experience this. We did it also as part of the YOU Campaign. Here we have kids talking their own baby talk and understanding each other, in fact talking to their HIV positive parents about what they would want… to stay alive (PMCTC).


Campus Chicks was in 4th Series of PSAs we completed for the YOU (It Begins With You) HIV/AIDS Campaign. Here we were addressing Transactional Sex (money in exchange for sex) as one of the drivers of HIV/AIDS and using a hip approach to talk directly to youth, focussing on the more aspirational University space.